wanyi's thoughts that no one else other than YOU knows! (:

Friday, January 9, 2009

new instru! and school!

there’s new instru for me today! yay! its super duper shiny. the only condition of having this new eupho is to wipe every single fingerprints off the instru after every prac. hahah. well. new instru ma. i’ll take good care of it till i leave! school was quite alright for the week.. got a few jokes during class. one during bio. ms voon was teaching us about the water vapours in the plant cell. then she taught us how the water come out of the leaf through various ways. michelle then asked ‘if the water keep coming out, wont the plant get dried up?’ then i told her ‘that’s why we water the plants!’ hahha! isnt michelle funny? hmm.. then went to sickbay almost everyday. since monday to thurs for almost an hour everytime. cos michelle had ear infection and had to lie down to put eardrop. got once she shared the sickbay ‘bed’ with another girl cos tt girl had cramps. so had to share share.. the new sickbay got no bed too. hmm.. then got quite a number of homeworks to be done too. mrs yip is a good teacher! she knows how to teach us until i understand physics!

go watch ch8 9pm. its damn funny! hahhaha! okays. gtg. see ya!

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