wanyi's thoughts that no one else other than YOU knows! (:

Sunday, January 18, 2009

family outing!

heys! haha. this morning went to DE for english. waiting for michelle since 10.30am till almost 12 when she arrived. so i sat there and accompany her till 1.. before she arrived, the teacher almost scolded me! cos she asked me whether i got take note of the marks allocation anot. then i said yes. then she gave me an angry stare.. hahah! i got a shock la. only 2nd lesson and im gonna get scolded? but actually its not really scold la. cos i nv elaborate properly.. tts why i only get a mark instead of 2. <br>

then went home at 1 to do another tuition homework. reached home at 3. did all the way till 4.30pm! then reagan came to play. he didnt want to leave my house! hahah. so cute! then my tutor came. so reagan go to the playground instead. then after tuition, went to parkway to for dinner at ajisen ramen and buy some stuffs for cny. bought 1jacket & 1 hoodie? from mango. then 1dress from dorothy perkins. hahaha! and i bought the dress when the shop was about to close.. hahha! <br>

hmm. then went to giant to shopshop.we bought $200++ worth of stuffs! only chocs and we spend $100++ le. hahaha! exaggerating right? hmm.. left parkway at only close to 11pm! hahah. well.. tt was my sat! <br>haha. alrights. gonna go sleep soon cos tmr sending my maid, whom worked for us for 10years, back to her homeland! :) <br>


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dress from dorothy perkins. :) <br>

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hoodie from mango. :p<br>

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black jacket from mango.


weather has turned cold.. must buy jacket to wear! brrrrr... :)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

orientation day. tuition day. family outing day.

yesterday was the sec1 orientation day. we had to get dressed up by 7.15 in the morning. those ppl whom weren't dressed up properly were considered late. well.. the whole sec1 level were divided into 4groups. means 2classes in a group. then those ccas whom were supposed to perform for them, had to perform a total of 4times. it was damn tiring. imagine playing the same thing over and over again for 4times. but there's a 20mins break in between. yepyep. the performance ended at 11.40. but sec 2s and 3s had to stay back for approx half hour for the band booth to help attract the ppl to join band! of course other cca booths were there too. i can see that almost everyone in band were trying to attract ppl to join band. they were shouting here and there until the place is super noisy and chaotic. hahah! the whole orientation ended at close to 1pm. michelle and i then got changed and took bus to downtown for tuition. the journey was about 30-45 mins long? hahah! i dunno.. then michelle slept throughout the whole bus ride while i tried to sleep but cant cos the bus ride was too bumpy. had macs for our lunch there. got this boy, he took several straws and tried to build smth. prolly a super long straw for himself? hahaha! then went for tuition after macs. we were so tired until we took the whole tuition period to do just 1 compre without summary. and i took super long to understand the passage.. well. then michelle's parents came to fetch her while i took bus home. before going home, i went to ehub to get 2cups of bubble tea for my sisters and myself. when i boarded the bus after tt, i put the drink on the chair. hoping tt the drinks wouldnt topple from the plastic bag. but then.. the bus suddenly braked. and the whole sourplum tea just dropped on the floor. the whole drink, including pearl, were all over the place. luckily i was on the upper deck, or else the uncle would just scold me directly. i wanted to clean up the place.. like at least get rid of the pearls. but then i got no tissue. so i had no choice but to just leave it alone on the floor. the drink and pearl just rolled/flowed here and there. it was all over the place until ppl didnt dare to sit there. hahah! but i felt so bad dirtying the bus..when i toppled over the drink, only 3students saw. so its not too bad. and luckily i wasnt wearing my school u. or else if other ppl know which school im from, then i'll die.. then.. i got off the bus. reach home and wanted to take a nap cos i was super tired after the long day. but my dad didnt let me nap. and after putting down my things, we went out again. we went to chinatown to shop for cny decorations. bought some peanuts too. hahahha! yeah. tts my day. hahhah! alrights. gtg. see ya! :)

Friday, January 9, 2009

new instru! and school!

there’s new instru for me today! yay! its super duper shiny. the only condition of having this new eupho is to wipe every single fingerprints off the instru after every prac. hahah. well. new instru ma. i’ll take good care of it till i leave! school was quite alright for the week.. got a few jokes during class. one during bio. ms voon was teaching us about the water vapours in the plant cell. then she taught us how the water come out of the leaf through various ways. michelle then asked ‘if the water keep coming out, wont the plant get dried up?’ then i told her ‘that’s why we water the plants!’ hahha! isnt michelle funny? hmm.. then went to sickbay almost everyday. since monday to thurs for almost an hour everytime. cos michelle had ear infection and had to lie down to put eardrop. got once she shared the sickbay ‘bed’ with another girl cos tt girl had cramps. so had to share share.. the new sickbay got no bed too. hmm.. then got quite a number of homeworks to be done too. mrs yip is a good teacher! she knows how to teach us until i understand physics!

go watch ch8 9pm. its damn funny! hahhaha! okays. gtg. see ya!