wanyi's thoughts that no one else other than YOU knows! (:

Sunday, September 27, 2009

random stuffs over the past 2months



Just a re-cap of what happened in the past 2 months.

Prelims 1 results was average. my L1R4 was 26 excluding CCA. and i got 2nd in class. this time round, my L1R4 is 18. and i got 1st in class. both e&a maths got first in class also. emaths got A1 and amaths got A2. which i think is quite good for me as i didnt have any As for my amaths and emaths major exams. exams was just over for a week. and i thought i could at least rest for a week first before starting to study again. school’s been giving us alot of homework. tuition also alot of homework. i have a total of about 6 essays to do in just 2 days, including the whole day preparing for grad day. can you imagine? other than 6 essays, i still have other homeworks. and he’s scolding me for not doing homework. so wth la. i know i shouldnt be so happy and not study even though i got 1st in class, even though i got 2 As. but still.. i don have only you as my teacher. i don have alot of time to do alot of homework in just 1 day. no one understand me la. im the sort who like to take breaks in between. but… sighh. okay. enough of homeworks already.

yesterday’s grad day was quite boring at first esp with speeches. haha! and the weather was so warm that i kept perspiring. which was annoying. luckily i didnt wear long long dress that make my feel warmer and difficult to walk. hahahah! i think those people in our class know who i meant. (: we got a grad bear wearing the design of the gown we wore. and a certificate to say that we had graduated from SAC. hahah! finally.

School’s hectic for us as we have to stay back everyday till 6 except monday till 4, and thurs. but monday after tutorial still have to go for tuition at D.E. sighhh. its tiring to take a 45mins bus journey.

okay. needa go already. (: