wanyi's thoughts that no one else other than YOU knows! (:

Saturday, March 14, 2009

studying at airport with seniors!

today met judy and hema at tanahmerah. i forgot which direction judy is going to. as in the train direction. so end up we met at opposite platform.. hahha! and blahblah. when we reached airport, decided to go T2 for no reason.. then we didnt know where and what to eat. so we went inside the lift, looking at the board on the restaurants they have at airport. so we just stay inside the lift. and we just went up, down, down, up and finally decided to go have swensens. then we went to swensens to have our dinner. had omelette! theirs was like watery while mine is dryer than theirs. hahah! then gerry met us. gave us a shock cos she appeared out of no where. haha! okays. after dinner, went to T3 to meet chand, gayu and veron. then i started doing my homeworks and stuffs that needed to pass up by today. so rushed out english orals. then did random homeworks. like sometimes do ss corrections, sometimes do emaths, amaths etcs. hahha! gayu went off at around 7+. chand and veron left at 9+? cant rmb. hahha! then i continued doing my homeworks. managed to do one page of amaths, english orals, emaths worksheet, half of ss corrections during that 4-5hours spent there.

we left coffee bean at around 10.50 cos hemama wanted to go buy chocs. took lift down to B2. then went to mini bits to buy my rubber band, went to ntuc to buy kinder joy. had to rush cos ntuc is closing in 3mins and we dont know what time the train is leaving. managed to catch the last train? haha! yeps! then tried taking pics in the train with our kinder joy. but.. yeah. haha! we took our final pic of the day at the tanah merah platform. and after taking tt pic, just nice, judy and gerry’s train arrived! hahaha! :p will upload the pics once i’ve received it! hee! im gonna go sleep le. cos tmr got 2tuitions in the morning!

nights! (:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

mich asked me to do the quiz. :)


What is your wallpaper on your computer?

hmm.. arron and xiao gui!


How many television do you have in your house?



Are you left handed or right handed?

right handed.


Have you ever had anything removed from your body?

er. i don think so..


What is the last item you lifted?

my lappy!


Have you ever been knocked down?

er. nopes. but almost!



If it were possible, would you want to know the day that you will die?

er. i don think so.


If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

i wont change cos my parents gave me this name!


What colour do you think looks best on you?

er. black? haha.


Have you ever swallowed a non-food item?

yeah.. tissue paper! [that was when i was young, trying to test out how tissue taste like.]



Would you kiss a member of a same sex for $100?

hmm.. good question! depends on who the person is. haha!


Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000?

definitely not!


Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000?

er. definitely not!


Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000?




What is in your left pocket now?

i have no pockets now. :)


Is napeleon dynamite actually a good film?

hmm.. i dunno. cos i never watch before!


Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?

hardwood i guess..


Do you sit or stand in the shower?



How many pairs of flip-flop do you own?

2 pairs ba.


Last person who texted you?



Last person who called you?



Person you hugged?

hmm. cant recall. :)










Blue, pink, purple (all light coloured)



Missing someone?

hmm.. don think so.



moodless.. cos got tuitions, bands, school everyday!


Listening to?

fahrenheit album.





Worrying about?

everything in my life!



shirt and shorts



First place you went this morning?



What can you not wait to do?

sleep! [cos lacking of sleep everytime]


Do you smile often?

i guess so. unless im in a super bad mood or irritated.


Are you a friendly person?

Im friendly if you’re kind/nice to me!


Now that you answer all the questions,

list three other people to complete this quiz.


1) sisTING

2) sisCHICHI!

3) hemama!