wanyi's thoughts that no one else other than YOU knows! (:

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

memorable phrase..

I found this phrase quite memorable. especially to the ones who just lost their loved ones.

" only rmb the happy memories that you shared with him as they're the most beautiful memories. "

isn't it memorable? hehe! :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

time flies..

heys! long time no blog le. time flies. its gonna be 100days since my beloved uncle left us to the other world. and its quite sad. now mama is no longer that emotional le. which is good. as in.. she's not crying as hard as before. these few days got band prac. and we got more than 20 band practices this hol. but im skipping 3 practices cos im going away! hehe! but before i go overseas, im gonna re-take my english and ss paper. cos i failed my overall end-of-year. but if i had gotten the 2 marks for english, i would be 3rd position in class! oh no.. its like. wasted.. next week will try to stayover more days at my aunt's house cos ahdiu is coming back home. then worried tt mama will be emotional again. so will try to keep her more company ba.

Happy birthday Alicia! :)